Thursday, December 10

The Better to 'Ear You With...

So I guess I should just be grateful I don't have ears like a wolf. But I'm not going to lie- I think right now I'd take 'em. Okay, complaint over and out. I have another cursed ear infection, and my hearing is way off. As is my inner balance.
Oh man, favorite Harry Potter quote:
"Pathetic," he told George. "Pathetic! With the whole world of ear-related humor before you, you go for holey?"
So... my week? Hmmm... wake up late, get ready, take the bus to school, realize that I forgot something at home, take the bus back home and again to school, go to get a project bound, late to class, miss the extra credit, get an extra point taken off my test for being honest, go to work, scrutinize each sentence of an essay, take forever on that essay, go to work yet again, talk with a friend, miss the elevator stop because I want to talk more with the same friend, get a hug, laugh with roommates, realize there's only one week left, make my little brother laugh, makes me laugh, eat yummy food in class, post on my blog, and get some blessed sleep.
So I'd say, not too bad!

Tuesday, December 1

Random is Best

So I think I will always have to have a box of Cuties in my food supply. Those oranges are just so dang good that I don't even mind peeling them- and I hate peeling oranges. I have so much homework that it boggles my mind (seriously- sometimes I can't remember the sentence I just read). Among other things, we got a Christmas tree, and it is probably the most beautiful live tree I have ever seen. We're making rhino ornaments for it. I colored one of them red with a permanent marker. That's about as artistic as I get! Actually, I wanted to make the Texas flag, but, in yet another example of scrambled brains, I blanked out on what that looked like... until just now.
Work is dull, graduation seems forever away, and finals can't be over soon enough. But there's reason for hope! I have comfortable pajama pants, and I got my little brother (he's ten) excited about reading Harry Potter with me when I get down there for Christmas. I also finally got a pair of working headphones, courtesy of Andrew, and they are perfect.
I need... a quote for today. A quote that sums up today... ah! Found it.
"When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche