Tuesday, December 1

Random is Best

So I think I will always have to have a box of Cuties in my food supply. Those oranges are just so dang good that I don't even mind peeling them- and I hate peeling oranges. I have so much homework that it boggles my mind (seriously- sometimes I can't remember the sentence I just read). Among other things, we got a Christmas tree, and it is probably the most beautiful live tree I have ever seen. We're making rhino ornaments for it. I colored one of them red with a permanent marker. That's about as artistic as I get! Actually, I wanted to make the Texas flag, but, in yet another example of scrambled brains, I blanked out on what that looked like... until just now.
Work is dull, graduation seems forever away, and finals can't be over soon enough. But there's reason for hope! I have comfortable pajama pants, and I got my little brother (he's ten) excited about reading Harry Potter with me when I get down there for Christmas. I also finally got a pair of working headphones, courtesy of Andrew, and they are perfect.
I need... a quote for today. A quote that sums up today... ah! Found it.
"When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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